Produce Prescription Program of South Central NY

The Produce Prescription Program of South Central NY (PRxSCNY) works with healthcare providers throughout the Southern Tier to create better health outcomes for patients diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes by creating affordable access to fruits and veggies which can be redeemed through CSA/Farm Shares, farmers markets, farm stands, and local/regional grocers.

Impacts and Benefits for Patients, Providers, and Vendors

For Patients

  • Improved health out comes such as lowered blood pressure and A1C levels
  • Gives leeway in budget to try unfamiliar produce 
  • Reduction of individual and household food insecurity
  • Reduction in emergency healthcare use and costs associated with managing diet-related chronic disease.

For Providers 

  • Greater engagement with patients
  • Solution for patients with diet-related chronic disease with limited food budgets
  • Increased collaboration among providers
  • New partnerships with community based organizations

    For Vendors

    • Allowing local farms and businesses to reach new, repeat customers
    • Building long-term relationships within new markets and community
    • Increasing produce sales for retail partners
    • Farmers and grocers becoming partners in health

      The PRxSCNY Program Model

      Contact the Produce Prescription Program of South Central NY: (607) 692-7669 x206

      Local Partners

      The Nutrition Incentive Program Training, Technical Assistance, Evaluation, and Information Center (NTAE) is supported by Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program grant no. 2019-70030-30415/project accession no. 1020863 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture