The Food and Health Network’s campaign to raise $5,000 is underway, and we need YOUR help! FaHN is excited about the opportunity to expand its services by hiring a full time coordinator. Our goal of raising $5,000 by the end of March will help demonstrate strong stakeholder commitment for securing start up funding. You may have seen our February 2014 newsletter, including a call for support from Jack Salo, Executive Director of the Rural Health Network SCNY. You can view his note highlighting the benefits of membership and sponsorship below or at this link. We invite you to learn more about our work and accomplishments in 2013 here.
Please join us in investing in a healthy, vibrant local food system. We look forward to and are grateful for your support.
Funding Note from Jack Salo, FaHN Member and Sponsor:
Since 2005, The Food & Health Network of S.C.N.Y. has been guided by a diverse group of stakeholders who believe that together we can create a more vital, healthy and just regional food system. The members of FaHN, supported for the past five years by talented AmeriCorps members, have worked hard to create a thoughtful forum for collective action.
While FaHN may continue to benefit from the service of VISTA members in the future, AmeriCorps participation in FaHN will end in November 2014, when Erin Summerlee, FaHN Education Coordinator, completes her second term of service. Loss of AmeriCorps member support will leave FaHN without staff resources, other than Rose Zonetti who is working part time to lead the “Sustaining Farm to School in New York State” pilot program which also ends this year.
The FaHN Facilitation Team is having discussions with several potential investors (foundations, etc.) to provide start-up funding for a full time FaHN Coordinator staff position. Our goal is to have the funding in place by the end of 2014 and for the coordinator position to be filled by early 2015. It is clear from preliminary conversations with potential investors that in order for us to secure start-up resources, it is critical that we meet or exceed our 2014 Membership and Sponsorship goal of $5,000 by the end of March 2014. We need your support and investment in FaHN this year to demonstrate the viability of FaHN and member and stakeholder commitment. If you haven’t submitted your 2014 Membership and/or Sponsorship contribution, please do so today. Pledge forms can be found on our website by clicking here, and you can use Paypal to easily submit your Membership or Sponsorshiponline.
Please contact Erin Summerleee at, or Jack Salo at, if you have questions about FaHN membership or sponsorship, or if you have suggestions for others to include in the 2014 membership and sponsorship campaign. Thank you to the following organizations and individuals who have submitted their 2014 membership and/or sponsorship contributions:
Broome-Tioga BOCES Food Service
Chenango County Health Department
Food Bank of the Southern Tier
Rural Health Network of South Central NY
Seven Valleys Health Coalition
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tioga County
Tioga County Hunger Coalition
Susan Adair
Diane Albrecht
Richard Andrus
Karen Bayer
Mark Bordeau
Nancy Eckstrom
Matthew Griffin
Sonia Janiszewski
Susan Paredez
Tony Preus
Jack Salo
Diane Albrecht
Beth Bossong
Glenda Neff
Charles Place
Jack Salo
Victoria Zeppelin